Michael was born overseas in our country #1. He was a very sweet and easy going baby. Big sister Anna was 19 months old when he was born.

Michael turned one in our country #1. We had a big party for him with some of our local friends.

The month before Michael turned 2, we unexpectedly returned to the States because of complications with my pregnancy with Katie. So, he turned 2 in St. Louis MO.

Looking forward to Katie's arrival!

On birthday # 3 and #4 we celebrated by roasting hot dogs in our home in overseas country #2. Since we were basically with the same people doing the same thing, I'm not even sure if I got these pictures in the right order!!

Birthday #5 we were in Boston, MA having just arrived for Aunt Heather and Uncle Mike's wedding. Unfortunately, we lost those pictures when Scott's hard drive was wiped out. Maybe some of you Spence family members have some????
Birthday #6 we spent in Thailand. We were there for a conference and a vacation. Instead of cake, we had ice cream at Swenson's at the mall!
Birthday #7 we were in Illinois and we went to Chucky Cheese with the Pittman clan.
And then came yesterday, birthday #8. We let Michael open presents for us after breakfast so that he could enjoy them all day while I prepared for his birthday party.
Michael had a great party eating pizza and cupcakes and playing with friends.
There was quite a crowd for opening presents!
Happy birthday Michael! We love you so much and are so thankful that God gave you to us. You are an energetic yet thoughtful and kind boy and we pray that you will learn to love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength!
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