Thursday, February 7, 2013

Long Awaited Arrival

Our Christmas packages have all made it! We stopped hoping they would arrive by Christmas and began hoping that they would make it at all, and this week the kids were so excited that this huge box from Papa and Grammy arrived.
Will dug right into the package along with his siblings. He laid right into it digging out goodies several times in all the excitement!

 He really likes his noise making toys- the one that makes animal noises makes him giggle.
"Courageous" hit the theaters before we left the States, but since we had a new baby, we didn't see it. Anna, however, heard enough good things about it that it became her favorite movie even without being seen. Now, she finally has it!!

The best thing about this pic is that it shows Katie's missing front teeth! She thought she had already lost them and somehow convinced me that her permanent teeth were lose. Thankfully, a more discerning friend looked at the teeth and assured us all that they were indeed baby teeth. The new ones are already on their way in!
This is a face of "Is this really what I think it is?" It is a remote control helicoper which is flying all over our house these days.

Wow! What a lot of wonderful stuff. Thank you Papa and Grammy. Everyone was so pleased and we so appreciate the thought and love that went into this special and eagerly awaited box. We love you!



  1. Will baby sure is funny! He was still dumpster diving when everyone else left the premises, lol.
    how much fun that is to get a box of unknowns :) love you all, mom and grammy :)

  2. Boxes from friends and family are always such a special treat!
