Friday, July 31, 2009

All I want for Christmas.....

It finally fell out! Last night she said," Please tell the fairy I am waiting and waiting for her." The fairy had forgotten to take the tooth and leave some money for several nights in a row....
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  1. What a cute picture! Jake is working on his 3rd and 4th bottom ones right now. He was kind of weirded out by the thought of a fairy coming around while he was sleeping. Also, he thought his lost tooth was cool and didn't want to give it to an unknown fairy...

  2. Welcome to the Blogosphere! I am looking forward to checking in on the fam.



  3. Cute Pic! She is so cute. I am so glad I am not the only one who forgets about the tooth fairy

  4. In some ways Parker is looking the same way. He has now cut his bottom two and his top two teeth! They all came pretty fast and we are hoping for a break before the next ones. I know Anna is excited! Now if the tooth fairy would just visit :)
